1. Nama : Muhammad Ridwan 2. Tempat/tanggal lahir : (Cukup jelas) 3. Agama : Islam 4. Jenis kelamin : Laki-laki 5. Suku :Palembang&Sunda 6. Pekerjaan : Pelajar 7. Riwayat pendidikan : SDN 12 Curup Kota ,Sekarang Di SMPN 1 Curup Kota 8. Nama orang tua kandung : Abdul Mutolib & Rosmala Spd 9. Alamat orang tua : Jln.DI Panjaitan TL.Benih Curup 10. Pekerjaan orang tua : Swasta & PNS 11. Anak ke/dari : 2 dari 3 Bersaudara 12. Nama-nama saudara : Kakak :Roli Mardiana Adik: Reza Alpriyansyah 13. Hobi/kesenangan : Bermain Internet , Bermain Bola.

Jumat, 25 Mei 2012

This is the pictures of our compact graders and even shared with other class teachers

Kamis, 17 Mei 2012


I was in junior high school 01 Curup city In Provinsi Bengkulu My class name is KODOMO NO HIKARI DESU Our class is very compact, there is 19 students, My grade 8 RSBI D, I have Table,Computer,Chair,Whiteboard,Locker,and Any More.... many of the other class was told our class is very compact,  the members of our students in my class:
 1.Aisha Azalia
 2.Annesha Nabilla G. 
 3.Bayu Nugraha 
 4.Dela Aulia Salsabila 
 5.Diana Melinda 
 6.Elsa Irawati
7.Febri Ade Bunga Laily
8.Holik Aldro Firmansyah 
9.Inda Carmia 
10.Joko Sasmiko 
11.Liani Dwi Pusva 
12.M. Sahab Sahar
13.Marisa Dika Andini
14.M. Andre Kurniawan
15...M. Ridwan
16.Ninda Novi andriani R.
17.Ovalda rahmawati
18.Riga Okta
19.Triana Krisandini
that our members in our class ,.
this member in our class photo.
Our children are 8 RSBI d photographed with PPL teacher He Name is Mr.Bennn
  we are very
 compact  ....we are very funny and we....We are also very easy to set up, a lot of talent in our class, like the story in English, volleyball ball, paspalsa, basketball, and singers - atalented singer,PMR

Kamis, 03 Mei 2012

Our Class

I was in junior high school 01 Curup class name of my city is Kodomo NO HIKARI DESUOur class, there are 19 students, My grade 8 RSBI D, in the class of common problems are: there are some students who demonstrate a lack of interest during the learning process, as shown by the students who do not pay attention when the teacher explains, the low level of active participation of students in learning it is because the methods are being used more lecture, for it is necessary to reform in terms of teaching methods.

Class there are also ethnic and religious diversity. There are also class differences, bertemannya not equal, what I mean here is a group-group. It is the differences and trends in the class that makes the class is not a compact between one another. The differences in these classes look very striking. Due to the lack of a sense of brotherhood so that the frequent occurrence of growing disunity in the classroom.

The class also likes mencemeeh or underestimate among individuals with other individuals. In class I rarely see it happen compactness. Certainly often a schism.